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Sortie le 28 sept. 2019
A tour of the Toulon French Navy arsenal. Toulon Naval Base is the second-largest naval port in France. Located on the south-east coast of the country, the base is the home port of the French Navy Mediterranean fleet. The naval port was built between 1595 and 1610. The base was expanded in the 19th and 20th centuries. 29 submarines were built at the port between 1888 and 1913, and five torpedo boats were built between 1903 and 1913. The port was damaged by Allied bombing in World War II and was later reconstructed and modernized.
Toulon also houses the Commander US Sixth Fleet (COMSIXTHFLT) office. Ship repair and maintenance operations at the port are controlled by the French naval defense company DCNS (Direction des Constructions Navales Services).
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