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Soldats allemands Kriegsmarine à Toulon France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale Occupation allemande en 1942 ou 1943
21 sept. 2023 TOULON
This video was digitized from a reel of 8mm film that had no markings on reel container. The film was marked "Kodak Safety Film 529 6." When I purchased the film from a French antique store they said it was of Marseille, France. But I am absolutely sure this is of Toulon, France and the German occupation there. This film on another video, which I will link below, clearly shows the scuttled French fleet which was located at Toulon.
These German Soldiers are with the Kriegsmarine and are identified by the "WM" on their vehicles license plates.
Check out my other video of the sinking of the French Fleet & German occupation of Toulon here;
• Toulon France World War II Ships dest...
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